A RipFest NYC Short Film: Lighthouse Lilly

Lighthouse Lili, a narrative short film. Edited by Sam Small, Directed by Tonya Pinkins, Co-Exec Producer: Erik Bryan Slavin from samsmall on Vimeo.

Editor and Post Production by Sam Small. A narrative short produced by http://www.rawimpressions.org as part of RipFest NYC, a film production competition in 2004.

How it works:
At the first meeting, 6 teams are announced – each comprised of:
a writer, producer, director, composer, editor, DP, group of actors (2-5), and a crew.

The teams are given guidelines in creating a new 5-10 minute DV film.
2 days to write a first draft in which is given a reading by the actors. Then we have:
2 days for rewrites
2 days for pre-production.
2 days to shoot the film.
8 days for post production and
16 days after the first time everyone met, the films are premiered!

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