Victory Before War: Transcendental Meditation

Victory Before War: Transcendental Meditation from samsmall on Vimeo.

Various rare news clips about Transcendental Mediation “TM” including Guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on the Merv Griffin show, with Clint Eastwood, Mary Tyler Moore, Burt Reynolds and others and a clip of Dr. John Hagelin, from What The Bleep Do We Know.
Sort of an unofficial video companion to the book Victory Before War: Preventing Terrorism through the Vedic Peace Technologies of His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, by Wallace and Marcus
Victory Before War describes the world’s most ancient and complete homeland defense. Derived from the Vedic tradition of India, this ancient knowledge of the Himalayas has been revived in this age by Maharishi. The book describes what causes terrorism, the folly of using preemptive attacks as our principal strategy in the war on terrorism, and the principles of modern science and Vedic science that demonstrate the effectiveness of Maharishi’s Vedic defense.

Many remember the TM technique from the 1970’s, when Maharishi was “the Beatles’ Guru”, you will be amazed at the strides since made by the TM movement, teaching individuals how to meditate and lower their stress level, to creating large groups of mediators performing such advanced techniques as “yogic flying” in order to lower the violent tendencies in society is stunning. When you read “Victory Before War,” you will realize World Peace is doable.

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